It was a true privilege to join the Vietnamese Community Fundraising Dinner on Friday 8 November, celebrating with so many dedicated and generous members of the west’s vibrant Vietnamese community. More than 400 people attended the event, where Western Health Foundation was presented with an incredibly generous $531,205 cheque. We are so grateful to this community!

A special thanks to those that made the night possible, including Venerable Thich Phuoc Tan OAM, President and Abbot of Quang Minh Temple and its members; Dr. Nhan Phạm, Vice President of Quang Minh Temple and Director of Fundraising and the fundraising committee; Mr. Duy Nguyen, President of the Vietnamese Community in Australia – Victoria Chapter and members; and Mr. Frank Cheng and Mrs. Mei Cheng, and all at Happy Receptions.
The connection between Western Health and the Vietnamese community runs deep. Together, we are achieving great things for the future of healthcare in our community.
Cảm ơn sự hỗ trợ quý giá này của quý vị!